Mapping Childhood Hunger in Southeast Ohio

TLC Ministries and RSVP of the Ohio Valley Receive Grants to Support Summer Feeding Programs

COLUMBUS and PIKETON, Ohio – June 15, 2017 – Southeastern Ohio’s food-insecure children were the focus of a luncheon presentation held by Children’s Hunger Alliance, a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger in Ohio. The non-profit unveiled initial maps created by Muskingum Valley ESC with support from Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs as part of a child nutrition asset mapping project led by Children’s Hunger Alliance and funded by the Walmart Foundation.

The mapping project, which will be completed by the end of the summer, will encompass more than 1,000 sites, and include data about more than 56,000 students from 36 school districts as well as pre-school age populations across the project’s six-county target area – Jackson, Pike, Vinton, Ross, Scioto and Lawrence counties. The project’s goal is to identify where gaps occur in connecting food-insecure children with the healthy meals they need to grow and thrive, and potential partners who can help fill those gaps.

Dr. Fuller of Muskingum Valley ESC addresses attendees about the process the organization went through to collect and analyze data about food-insecure children to recommend a strategic action plan for Children’s Hunger Alliance to maximize its reach.

“We are eager to collaborate with community partners to provide the healthy meals that so many children are lacking,” said Debra Parmer, Senior Vice President of Strategy, Compliance and Government Affairs for Children’s Hunger Alliance. “Yet before we can address hunger, we need to understand where gaps exist and create a sustainable action plan that improves access to nutritious meals for children who need it most.”

Muskingum Valley ESC demonstrated Vinton County maps showing high-need areas with current and potential summer and afterschool meal sites, and their proximity to at-risk children. The six-county asset maps, scheduled for completion this summer, will enable Children’s Hunger Alliance and community partners to address childhood hunger in a strategic manner, through partnerships with local school districts and community organizations such as recreation centers, libraries and churches.

“Muskingum Valley ESC has been proud to be a lead partner on this unique and complex project, which is truly one of a kind” explained Mike Fuller, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Innovation and Data Services, MVESC. “We are collecting data and conducting analysis to help Children’s Hunger Alliance distribute its resources in the six county target area in the most efficient way possible.”

Children’s Hunger Alliance will utilize the maps to work together with community partners to help provide free meals to kids from birth through age 18. Children’s Hunger Alliance will help partners leverage the USDA’s child nutrition programs, administered by the Ohio Department of Education, to offset the costs of providing food to at-risk youth and create long-term solutions to childhood hunger. In addition, the non-profit will use the maps to identify gaps that can be supported potentially by private funding to ensure more children can access healthy meals.

Terry Witt, Director of TLC Ministries, received a $5,000 check to support summer feeding from Erin Flynn, SVP of Development, Children’s Hunger Alliance, and Mike Balsimo, Southeastern Regional Advisory Board Chair.

During the luncheon two community organizations, RSVP of the Ohio Valley and TLC Ministries, were awarded grants by Children’s Hunger Alliance to help expand their summer meal programs. RSVP of the Ohio Valley received $2,000 to support summer meals for children in Jackson, Gallia, Pike and Scioto counties through 20 sites. TLC Ministries will use their $5,000 grant to purchase a new convection oven and warming cabinets so they can prepare hot meals for the 750 kids they will serve each day this summer. TLC Ministries provides breakfast, lunch and snacks to children at 30 sites in Jackson, Gallia and Vinton counties – and nine of the locations will be provided with hot meals. Last summer TLC Ministries served 20,600 free meals to children in the community.

“We are grateful to Children’s Hunger Alliance for caring about hungry kids and helping TLC Ministries provide meals to children who so desperately need them,” said Terry Witt, Director of TLC Ministries. “We are excited to be able to purchase a convection oven and warming cabinet making it possible to provide so many hot meals at one time. Thank you again for recognizing the work we do and supporting us in such a valuable way.”
Across the state, just 10 percent of children who receive free or reduced lunches during the school year are accessing summer meals. That number may be even higher in rural counties where more than 25 percent of children live in food-insecure households and may not have the transportation necessary to connect them to summer meal programs.

This year, Children’s Hunger Alliance awarded $60,000 in grants funded by the Walmart Foundation to help partners expand summer meal access or begin serving summer meals to food-insecure children.

About Children’s Hunger Alliance
Founded in 1970 in Columbus, Children’s Hunger Alliance is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger in Ohio. The organization’s mission is to purposefully ensure children without access receive healthy food, nutrition education and physical activity. The organization works with partners to help provide millions of nutritious meals and snacks to hungry children throughout Ohio. Learn more at

About Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center
MVESC is a nationally accredited, regional resource center for schools in Coshocton, Hocking, Morgan, Muskingum and Perry counties. Covering more than 2,300 square miles, MVESC helps more than 31,000 students learn and nearly 2,000 teachers teach in the largest service region of all 52 ESCs in Ohio.

About the Voinovich School
The Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs is a catalyst for regional, state and national collective impact in entrepreneurship, energy and the environment, and public and social policy areas. Students engage in a combination of hands-on opportunities and networking to bring their ideas to life. The School’s blend of real world problem solving and key government, nonprofit and industry partnerships combined with student education provides unique learning opportunities. For additional information, visit

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