Lacey Lykins Named 2016 Employee of the Year
Each December at the Children’s Hunger Alliance statewide staff meeting we announce our 2016 Employee of the Year.
The award is presented to an employee who exemplifies and promotes excellence and consistently performs above expectations. This year’s deserving recipient is Lacey Lykins, Assistant, Finance and Development.
Lacey joined Children’s Hunger Alliance in 2014 and has become an essential part of our day-to-day operations. Nominations for Lacey were enthusiastic:
“She truly has an exceptional attitude and is a great example to all of us. She is clearly committed to doing her job to the best of her abilities.”
“Lacey is often my ‘go to’ person. Lacey is a bright spot in this office…always a smile.”
“Lacey is one of the hardest workers I have ever seen and always has smile on her face. She collaborates well with all departments and leads by example.”
The announcement was met with a standing round of applause. Lacey’s dedicated work ethic and positive attitude are the embodiment of the Children’s Hunger Alliance values.
Congratulations, Lacey!