CHA is Honored with Award for Collaboration

Ashley Roudebush accepting the CACFP Inspire Collaboration Award for CHA

At the 2022 National Child Nutrition Conference in April, Children’s Hunger Alliance with awarded with the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Inspire Collaboration Award. This award recognizes an individual or organization who partnered with other organizations to fulfill the needs of CACFP programs during the pandemic.

The Inspire Awards celebrate the incredible individuals and organizations who reimagined and executed the CACFP during the pandemic, especially those who overcame public health challenges and went above and beyond expectations to continue to provide for the children and adults they serve. Winners were named in three categories: Community, Trailblazer and Collaboration.

While our partners were overwhelmed with the issues they were facing during the pandemic, CHA stepped up to help where needed and keep children fed. CHA provided grab-and-go meals in high-need apartment complexes and parks, along with establishing mobile feeding sites in rural areas. The

collaboration between Children’s Hunger Alliance and their providers grew to such scale that a warehouse was leased to allow even more meals to be packed. These partnerships provided much need nourishment to children during a very dire time.

Since 1986, the National CACFP Sponsors Association has been the leading national organization for sponsors who administer the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program. They provide education and support to thousands of members in the CACFP community and to sponsors of all sizes from across the country. They strive to improve communication between families, care givers, sponsors, and their supervising government agencies. CHA is honored to be recognized by this national organization.

About Children’s Hunger Alliance

Founded in 1970, Children’s Hunger Alliance is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger in Ohio. Through their work, Children’s Hunger Alliance provides healthy meals to hungry children, advocates for the welfare of Ohio’s youngest citizens and teaches nutrition and physical education to those they serve. For more information, please visit

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